Hypocrisy Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

Hypocrisy Biblical meaning, Hypocrisy in the Bible, meaning of Hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy according to the Bible is a way of pretending what we are not and also of feeling superior to someone, when we know that we are sinful and imperfect. The Bible condemns hypocrisy and considers it a sin. In different parts it is mentioned as something negative and what we should be ashamed of. It is also treated as a synonym for Pharisee.

Etymologically, the word hypocrite comes from the Latin word “hypocrĭta”. This, in turn, comes from the Greek ὑποκριτής (hypocrités) which means actor. It is a noun that is derived from the verb ὑποκρίσιν (hypocrisin) which means “to act and exaggerate”. Curiously, this verb is made up of the prefix -hypo (below) and the root krinein (to criticize), that is, hypocrisy also alludes to criticizing from below, in a hidden way.

All these etymological meanings are closely linked to how hypocrisy was conceived in biblical times and also today. Pretending to believe something that you don’t really believe is truly hypocritical. This is behavior that has always been seen in humans. Jesus, on several occasions, condemns it and uses expressions such as “wolves in sheep’s clothing” or “generation of vipers” (Matthew 7:15; Matthew 23:33) in reference to hypocrites.

In the same way, he is very emphatic that when we have a weakness or sin we should not judge the same in others (Matthew 7:3-5). He makes it very clear that this is being hypocritical and will not free us from the consequences of our own sins. Jesus does not discourage anyone who wants to help a brother straighten his life, one should not wait until they are pure or holy to do so. However, he recommends that we first address what is wrong with us and humbly help others.

When we see what hypocrisy means in the Bible, we realize that it is the opposite of consistency. It is to the coherence that the Christian must aim: thinking, feeling, saying and acting in the same direction, condemning the bad and doing the good.

Last updated: April 04, 2022

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