How to Bless a Candle of Protection and Without Holy Water

Know the powerful prayers so that you can bless a candle prosperously, whether you have holy water at hand or not, in each of your needs each invocation is attached to what you want.

Consecrate your love in the infinity of blessings that he has for each of his children and be part of that experience.

How to bless a candle for the angels

If you want to know the best way to be able to bless a candle and dedicate it to the heavenly choir that represents the angels today, the first and most fundamental thing that you must take into account is to have each of the precise tools.

The candle and a small amount of holy water will be more than enough for you to dedicate your light to the angels and receive their help, let it burn without interruption until the wick is extinguished.

Add a few short words of thanks and let your heart extract each of your sorrows, needs and desires that you are most in need of.

Prayer to bless a candle of protection

Protection candles are instruments that will be very useful to you, both to ask for requests and for some specific help, if you want your home to be protected from bad energies or envy, use this prayer that offers you the help you need.

father of the heights,
Help of Christians,
guide my every step,
Give me your breath of strength and joy,
Be the constant in my life
And let me have your blessing at all times,
Starting with the blessing of this candle,
That it represents light,
Prosperity in my walk,
reasons to smile,
Reasons to keep me in your love,
Being sure that always,
You will be there, offering your comfort,
And your advice, bless her sir,

How to bless a white candle?

If you want to learn how to protect your home, and at the same time connect with the heavenly father, ask for that situation that you need so much and that has not allowed you to sleep peacefully, know the power of blessing of a white candle.

  1. In order to bless a oil lamp white in an appropriate way you will need to have at hand, a glass with holy water and a small teaspoon with salt, these three merged tools will give you unexpected results.
  2. Raise a Hail Mary, accompanied by an Our Father and moisten the candle in its posterior area, with the water while you pray carefully, this will represent the purity and blessing that you want in your light.
  3. Finally, create a circle with the salt around your pin and when you want you can light it.

How do you bless a candle?

If you have wondered which is the best route to bless a candle, the answer will be found in each of the prayers that you decide to dedicate to it and the faith that you are imprinting on it.

  1. A glass of water next to your candle will represent the stability of spiritual peace that is necessary in our hearts, leave it there for the time it takes to consume your candle, start with a creed and after that, after lighting it, recite five Hail Marys.
  2. End by giving thanks to God’s mercy for giving you the power and opportunity to bless your candle and ask him for each of your needs.

How to bless a candle without holy water?

Each of the rituals that are related to protections or blessings must have the opportunity to enjoy its benefits even when we do not have all the necessary instruments.

Therefore, if you do not have holy water when you want to consecrate or bless your light, you do not have to worry, you will only need a handful of sea salt, sprinkle it around your candle and on the flame, let both have contact.

From your heart murmur the following words “eternal father, allow me to bless this light with my hand and my heart, open my paths and dispose of my life”, at the end clean the salt from your inn or from the altar that you have prepared and move your candle towards the entrance of your home.

In this position the strength of the home and also its protection will be represented.

Prayer and ritual to light and bless a candle

Each ritual to bless requires a prayer that helps you unify and succeed much more quickly and decisively, if you want your invocation and blessing of your candle to be what you have expected, do not hesitate to recite these words.

Likewise light your candle At the moment that you are going to pray it, to begin your prayer of care and blessing, let that while the flame acquires strength, each one of your doubts, problems and sufferings are left there, in the fire of the candle.

When you have finished, place your pin on top of a small plate and leave it in the corner of your room, in that area that represents your comfort and convenience.

heavenly mother,
Virgin Mary of greatness,
You who were born in a family,
Between people with burning love,
That you are mother, daughter, sister and help,
For all of us who raise a prayer,
May your grace always be your presence,
And may your help be my impulse to fight,
And to believe in the word of the father,
That fills us with its strength and vitality,
Bless my candle
And that, when it turns on,
Reflect all those wishes,
What else my heart longs for, so be it,

Short prayer to bless a candle

Sometimes we do not have the necessary time to glorify with a ritual a candle, but a long invocation with endless steps is not necessary, just by raising this simple invocation you will be able to bless your light and be at peace with the father.

Saint Alexius and Saint Patrick,
saints of devotion,
Today I entrust myself to each one,
Asking him for each of my ailments,
Physical, moral and spiritual,
Give me strength at all times,
The conviction to believe in me and in the heavenly father,
To overcome every obstacle that arises,
To love constantly, no matter what,
And to be able to bless this candle,
To represent delivery,
Salvation and mercy,
not just for me,
But for everyone who needs it,

Catholic prayer to bless a candle

This invocation to exalt a candle is recognized for its effectiveness, leave it on a small altar where there is also a cross and pray the following prayer, denoting your love and your commitment to the creator.

Christ redeemer,
You, who breathed your last breath,
Of life and strength on a cross,
That you suffered pain and suffering,
And rose from the dead,
Listen to my plea, I ask you,
Help me in my request and give me your friendly hand,
Bless this candle
So that as it is consumed,
May you be his continual blessing,
For all those who reside here,
For all my family,
Especially those who need you most,
Give them of your assistance,

Prayer to conjure and consecrate candles

Let the mister, in his magnificence, power and continuous love, I listened to you through every word that you strive to award him, the prayer acquires a nuance of strength and power by the faith that we leave in each prayer.

Morning Star,
health of the sick,
Strength of those who fight,
What do they love and what do they believe?
Give me the necessary gift to consecrate,
Purify and cleanse this candle,
And that in this way it can represent paths,
New horizons of happiness and blessings,
Where you dictate each step and each decision,
Allow renewal and change to be present,
And through this consecration,
I can see the love you represent
Happiness and your power,
With which you enlighten us,

When you pray with a willing heart, each one of your needs is solved, those problems and situations that seemed impossible are found along the way, a direction towards a solution and an opportunity for growth.

And all this thanks to the power that prayers have today more than ever and the blessings that were offered to each candle.

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