How God Cares for Creation – Bible Study 2022

What does it mean “take care of creation” in concrete terms? Every day I shower, brush my teeth twice a day, floss, eat, and exercise. Is all this taking care of creation? If you say that this is too narrow a view of creation, I would answer that I mow the lawn when necessary and trim the bushes around my house.

If you say this is “a vision always too narrow“, why is that true? If everyone took care of their own, then the creation would be well taken care of, wouldn’t it?

Today, the cutting edge of environmentalism is not so much about the indisputable question of how to take care of your own business, but rather about the relative importance of human beings in the world as a whole. Do we have the right to be “selfish” when it comes to the rest of creation? Let’s open the Bible and discover How does God care for creation? and us!

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I. How God Cares for Creation (Humans and Animals)

  1. let’s read Genesis 1:26-28. What is the nature of the relationship between humans and animals? (We dominate them. Animals are not our equals).
    1. For God rules over us. Would we like God to rule us in the same way we rule animals?
  2. let’s read Genesis 2: 19-20. Animals were formed from the earth, like Adam, but are they a suitable help to him? (Adam gave names to the animals, but no animal has been found to be of adequate help to him. Again, this shows that animals are not equal to humans. The claim that humans are to be regarded as any another “animal” is not Biblical).
  3. let’s read Genesis 9:1-3. Does this suggest a change in the relationship between humans and animals? (It seems that animals are now afraid of humans.)
    1. What other change is there in the relationship between humans and animals? (Humans can now eat animals for food, which will likely add to their fear!)
  4. let’s read Genesis 9.4-6. What happens if an animal kills a human? (God allows humans to kill animals, but not the other way around. This gives us important insight into the proper relationship between humans and animals.)
    1. What, in concrete terms, should this relationship look like? (Only humans were created “in the image of God,” so they are more important than animals. Humans can use animals to improve their lives.)
  5. let’s read Deuteronomy 5:12-15. What does this text tell us about animals? (They should also rest on the Sabbath.)
    1. What does this tell us about God’s attitude toward animals?
    2. According to this text, what should be our attitude towards animals? (This text suggests that we have an obligation to treat animals fairly. Although they are not equal to us, and we can eat and use them, we have no right to be cruel to or abuse them.)
  6. let’s read Proverbs 27.23-27Y Ephesians 5.28. What selfish motives do we find to care for animals? (I took the text from Ephesians because it helps us understand the relationship. If you love your partner, you are blessed. If you take care of your animals, you are blessed.)

II. How God Cares for Creation (Humans and Plants)

  1. In the first chapter of Genesis ( Genesis 1:29), God tells humans that they can take plants for food. Read Matthew 21: 18-19. What is our obligation to trees and other plants?
    1. let’s read Matthew 21: 20-22. Is Jesus teaching us that we should punish plants that do not serve us well? (Jesus takes a spiritual lesson from this, which makes me think he’s the focal point.)
    2. let’s read Genesis 2:15. What was God’s original plan regarding humans and the Garden of Eden? (We had to “grow” it and “keep” it.)
  2. What general lesson about humans and plants do you draw from the texts we have read so far?
    1. (There is a hierarchy, and humans are more important than plants. Humans can eat plants and use them to learn from them. However, humans have an obligation to care for plants at a minimum.)

III. How God Cares for Creation (Humans and Environment)

So far we have learned that God has established a hierarchy between humans, animals, and plants. Animals and plants are there to serve humans, they are not our equals. But that does not fully answer the question of knowing what God asks of us regarding creation. Let’s explore this now. read Ezekiel 34:2-4. The expression “that fed themselves” sounds like the introduction where I said that I was brushing my teeth.

For. Is God talking about animals here? (No. I think he is referring to the spiritual leaders (shepherds) and the people (flock) of Israel.)

  1. Does this mean that this text has no teaching for us and for animals? (I think there is a second teaching that applies to animals).
  2. Let’s read the Psalm 104.25-30. Who are we talking about here, humans? (No. If you read the whole chapter, you’ll see that this is a reference to God. God does all of this.)
    1. Does this mean that this text has no teaching for us and for animals? (If God cares for animals, is it appropriate for us to abuse them? Logic says no.)
  3. let’s read Isaiah 11.6-9and Isaiah 65.25. Who needs attention here? (This tells us that in the new earth animals will not be a threat to humans or other more vulnerable animals.)
    1. If at least a few animals pose a threat to humans, why do we consider these animals dangerous on the new earth? (Clearly, God wants animals on the new earth, even previously dangerous animals. He loves and cares for them, which suggests that we should have love and care for animals, too.)
  4. let’s read Hosea 4.1-2. What accusation does God make against the people? (They do not recognize God, they are not loyal to God and they do not show any love).
  5. let’s read Hosea 4.3. What is the consequence of people’s heartbreak and selfishness? (The country and the animals die).

Understanding how God Cares for Creation

How do you understand this? Does God punish the earth and animals for the sins of people? Or are people causing these problems through their sins? (Verse 3 begins with “why.” This links the suffering of the land and animals and the sins of people.

If you read the whole chapter, hosea 4, it seems that God is just describing the situation and saying that the punishment will come if people do not change. Therefore, it seems more likely that people are the cause of the problem with the land and animals.)

If this is correct, what does God mean when he mentions what is happening with the earth and with the animals? (God is concerned about this. Just as God describes other sins in this chapter, he also describes this sin.

Although humans have the right to govern and use the earth for their own benefit, we must not allow our selfishness to harm the earth or destroy the environment in which animals live.)

IV. How God Cares for Creation (Nature Worship)

let’s read Deuteronomy 5:8-9. We have learned what God teaches us about the relationship between humans, animals, plants, and the earth. What if we decide that animals are at least as important, if not more, than humans?

  1. Is this a form of animal worship? (If God regulated our relationship with the rest of creation, violating that order can be a form of creation worship.)

Do you have an example of this? (There are many people today who are against killing animals and cutting down trees, but are strongly in favor of abortion. It completely reverses God’s order. These people worship something other than God.)

  1. let’s read Deuteronomy 4:15-19. What does this teach us about nature worship? (Is prohibited.)

What does the last sentence of verse 19 mean: “These the LORD your God has given to all peoples to share under all heaven”? “? This tells us that nature is to be used for our benefit, not worshipped.)

  1. Dear friend, is your view of nature consistent with the teachings of the Bible? Are you out of the way on one side or the other? By that I mean, do you selfishly neglect what God has given you to deal with? Or are you worshiping what God told you to master and not worship? Do you want to commit today to be faithful to God’s instructions?

Verses where it is shown how God cares for creation

  1. Fear the Lord, you his saints! Because those who fear him lack nothing. The puppies are hungry and hungry, but those who seek the Lord have no good. ( Psalm 34.10-11)
  2. Do not worry, then, or say: What shall we eat? that we will drink that we will be using For all these things that the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows you need it. He seeks first the kingdom and the justice of God; and all these things will be given to you. ( Matthew 6.32-33)
  3. And God can shower you with all his graces, so that, always having in everything that satisfies all your needs, you still have an abundance for any good deed. ( 2 Corinthians 9,8)
  4. And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches, with glory, in Christ Jesus. ( )

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As you can see, with these biblical verses they show how God cares for creation. This means that everything is in his care; nature, animals, the environment and human beings. But the personal care that God gives is to his children. If you want to have part in the heavenly city and have special protection you must be his son and to have this title you must accept Jesus as lord and savior. We hope have helped you with this information. God bless you.

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