GOMER – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Gomer (Heb. gômer, “perfection” or “complete”; Heb. ômer). 1. Eldest son of Japheth (Gen 10:2; 1Ch 1:5, 6) and ancestor of a group of nations. See Gomer 3. 2. he Measure for dry (Exo 16:16, 18, 32, 33), which was 1/10 of an ephah * (v 36); that is, about 2.20 liters. It meant both the quantity measured and the measure itself. 3. People descending from Gomer 1, mentioned by Ezekiel (38:6). They are known from Assyrian inscriptions as Gamir or Gimirri, and from Greek literature as the Cimmerians. They were Indo-Europeans who came to the Near East from northern Europe via the Caucasus in the 8th century BC. They were pushed west by the Assyrians, where they overcame the Phrygian and Lydian kingdoms, but were gradually absorbed by the Anatolian peoples. 4. Daughter of Diblaim and wife of Hosea, the prophet (Hos 1:3).

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

complete. Name of a man, a town and a woman.

1. Firstborn of Japheth and grandson of Noah, Gn 10, 2-3; 1 Chr 1, 5-6. From G., possibly descend the Cimmerians, a people who lived in the extreme north of Palestine, Ez 38, 6. 2. Daughter of Dibláyim, a woman of prostitution, whom the prophet Hosea took as his wife, by order of Yahweh, to engender with her “children of prostitution”, Hos 1, 2-9.

Digital Bible Dictionary, Grupo C Service & Design Ltda., Colombia, 2003

Source: Digital Bible Dictionary

(Heb., omer, possibly meaning God accomplishes or accomplishment).
1. Gomer was the eldest son of Japheth (Gen 10:2-3; 1Ch 1:5-6) and the ancestral father of a people (Eze 38:6), probably to be equated with the Indo-European tribes, the Cimmerians of the classical story that they settled in Cappadocia.
2. Gomer was the unfaithful wife of the prophet Hosea, who was the mother of Jezreel, Lo-ruhama and Lo-ammi. Her unfaithfulness was used by God to illustrate Israel’s unfaithfulness in their covenant relationship with him.

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

(Complete). Name of persons and a people of the OT.

1. Eldest son of Japheth. Father of Ashkenaz, Rifat and Togarmah (Gen 10:2-3).

. People descended from G. #1 that Ezekiel (Gen 38:6) includes in a confederation of peoples that will attack the land of Israel. Many experts identify it with some tribes that lived to the N of Crimea.

. She unfaithful wife of the prophet Hosea (Hosea 1: 3), who forgave her infidelity and had to buy her to free her from the slavery into which she had fallen, and restored her as his wife. The acts of the prophet with his wife are used as an illustration of what God does with Israel, that he forgives her sins and restores her to a position of privilege.

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

(measure). †¢Weights and measures of the Bible.

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary


see, HOSEA

vet, “heat” (?). (a) Son of Japheth, and father of Ashkenaz, Rifat, and Togarmah (Gen. 10:2, 3). It is believed that the ancient Cimmerians came from it. Homer says that they inhabited the far north (Odyssey 11:14). Arriving from beyond the Caucasus (Herodotus 4:11, 12), they settled in Cappadocia, threatening the Assyrian empire, but were defeated by Esarhaddon. They then passed to Asia Minor, entering Lydia, from where Aliates expelled them later (Herodotus 1:16). Also the Western Celtic peoples are descended from Gomer, Gael and Cymry. (b) Woman who took Hosea to teach Israel a lesson about God’s faithfulness in spite of all her unfaithfulness (Hos. 1). (See Hosea).

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

1. Grandson of Noah and first son of Japheth mentioned by name; he was born after the Flood. (Ge 10: 1, 2; 1Ch 1: 4, 5) He and his sons—Ashkenaz, Rifat, and Togarmah—are listed among † œthe families of the sons of Noah according to their family descents †; from these families the nations would be scattered. (Ge 10:3, 32)
The nation that descended from Gomer is historically related to the ancient Cimmerians, an Aryan race that settled in the region north of the Black Sea. In the eighth century a. CE, during the reign of the Assyrian king Sargon, the Scythians forced these ancient Cimmerians to cross the Caucasus (the mountainous area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea). On their way, the Cimmerians penetrated the eastern part of Asia Minor and attacked the kingdom of Urartu (Ararat). The Greek name for Cappadocia, Gamirk`, possibly reflects this invasion. But faced with the powerful Assyrian Empire in the east, the Cimmerians spread westward, leading them to fight the Phrygians and Lydians. Finally, King Alyates, ancestor of Croesus, expelled them from Lydia.
In Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the attack of “Gog from the land of Magog” against Jehovah’s gathered people (a prophecy completed by 591 BCE), “Gomer and all his parties” appear among Gog’s forces , along with Togarmá †œof the remotest parts of the north, and all their parties† . (Eze 38:2-8; see GOG #2; MAGOG #2; TOGARMí .)

2. Diblaim’s daughter who became Hosea’s wife in harmony with Jehovah’s instructions to this prophet. (Ho 1:2, 3) Gomer subsequently gave birth to three sons, whose significant names were used by God to foretell the disastrous results of Israel’s spiritual adultery in falling into idolatry. When the birth of the first son, named Jezreel, is related, the record says that Gomer “gave birth to him a son”; however, in reporting the births of the two sons that followed him, the prophet is not said to be the father, and this has been the basis for considering that they were probably illegitimate. (Ho 1:3-9) Apparently, verses 1-3 of chapter 3 narrate the return of Gomer to the prophet after his adultery. Hosea buys her as if she were a slave, thus illustrating that God would receive Israel back on the basis of her repentance.

Source: Dictionary of the Bible

(gomer, ‘consummation’). 1. Eldest son of Japheth and father of Ashkenaz, Rifat and Togarmah (Gen. 10.2–3). In Ez. 38 The people of Gomer are closely related to the house of Togarma in Gog’s army, and are probably to be associated with the ancient Gimirrai (Cimmerians), an Aryan group who conquered Urartu (Armenia) from their Ukrainian homeland sometime before the 15th century. VIII BC, time in which they appeared as enemies of Assyria.

2. Daughter of Diblaim and wife of *Hosea (Hos. 1.3). She was the mother of Jezreel, Lo-ruhama and Lo-ammi (Os. 1).


Douglas, J. (2000). New Biblical Dictionary: First Edition. Miami: United Bible Societies.

Source: New Bible Dictionary

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