Earthen Vessels – Sermons, Outlines and Bible Studies

Jeremiah 18:1-9


Jeremías watches the potter, who is working the soft clay, and makes it; a jewel of urte or a humble and useful utensil. When the vessel is damaged; by default in the clay, the potter models it again. There are three lessons in this passage.


1. The Potter’s plan:

He does not manufacture what comes out, he already has in mind the utensil that he is going to design, and for what function, each glass is made according to a special design, he manufactures many utensils of different shapes, sizes, dimensions, but his objective is unique ; that each utensil is a valuable piece, useful and of taste to the public.

The moral is that God made man perfect, but when sin entered man, it destroyed the image, relationship and perfect communication that existed with man in the Garden of Eden, therefore the purpose of Christ to come to this earth, went with the mission of saving, searching and restoring what had been lost, the potter’s potter, our God is a specialist in transforming lives of defeats, failures, misery, to useful lives, lives of sin to lives of holiness, to be vessels useful in his kingdom.

2. God’s plan.

God works in the same way with us, he has a purpose, a special vocation for each life. There is a beauty equally that of being useful and good, that of doing our part in the kingdom of God.

Vessels of honor, useful vessels, precious vessels with the task of not only being Salt of this earth, but also light to illuminate humanity in the midst of a world full of hostility, death, sin, pain, tragedy and despair.


1. In the case of the Potter:

Due to defects in the dough, for having taken little clay, for having changed the design.

2. In our lives.

There is a big difference, the clay is passive in the hands of the potter, it has no will of its own, it cannot choose the kind of vessel it will be. He has no chance to make his part during the manufacturing process.

We, on the contrary, have our own will, we can resist the divine teacher and potter, we can spoil his designs, ours is the fault when we sin and rebel; God only wants us to be good, beautiful, and useful.


1. In the Case of the Potter:

If you fail the first time, try again, perhaps more carefully then, and if the glass doesn’t turn out as expected, at least you’re not completely lost. It will have less value, but something will have been saved.

2. In the Case of the Divine Potter.

If our glass breaks what?… God is always willing to give us a second chance, it will not be God’s original purpose, but his plan will not fail completely.

It will not be God’s fault if the vessel does not reach the value of a jewel of art, but rather in the clay that thinks and has a will. A second taste is so much better than just brushing the mud aside in a useless, ugly, useless heap.

The patience of the divine potter, of the teacher works wonders.


Let God shape our lives according to his will, and not ours, so that he can turn it into a useful and beautiful vessel, if perhaps we have hindered him the first time, let us give him a second chance.

Contact the Author: lacayoministry yahoo.comMinistry: Evangelistic Ministry: “At the feet of Jesus”


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