Deuteronomy 11:24 Commentary – Exegesis and Hermeneutics of the Bible – Biblical Commentary

Every place that the sole of your foot steps on will be yours. Your territory will be from the desert to Lebanon, and from the river, the Euphrates River, to the western sea.

Gen 15:18-21; Exo 23:31; Num 34:3-15; Josh 1:3, Josh 1:4; Josh 14:9; 1Ki 4:21, 1Ki 4:24; 2Ch 9:26.

Source: The Treasury of Biblical Knowledge

Every place that the sole of your foot will tread. In response to Israel’s obedience (vv. Deu 11:22-23), the Lord promised to give Israel all the land they had personally stepped on as far as the borders He had given. This same promise was repeated in Josh 1:3-5. Had Israel faithfully obeyed God, her borders would have been extended to fulfill the promise made to Abraham (Gen 15:18). But due to Israel’s disobedience, the entire promise of the entire earth still remains, to be fulfilled in the full future of the Messiah (cf. Eze 36:8-38).

Source: MacArthur Study Bible

— from the desert to Lebanon: Probable translation (see Josh 1:4); the Hebrew text reads lit. from the desert and Lebanon.

— Western Sea: this is undoubtedly the Mediterranean Sea.

Source: Hispano-American Interdenominational Translation

Josh 1:3-5.

Source: Hispano-American Interdenominational Translation


(1) “Until.” Lit.: “and”, MSamLXXSyVg.

(2) Lit., “rear”, that is, to the back of a person when facing east.


or 692 Josh 1:3; Josh 14:9

p 693 Gen 15:18; Exo 23:31

Source: New World Translation

the western sea. Ie, the Mediterranean. See note on Gen 15:18.

Source: Ryrie Annotated Study Bible

Josh 1:3-5.

Source: Textual Bible IV Edition

Lit., your limit will be

ie, the Mediterranean

Source: The Bible of the Americas

g Josh 1:3-5.

Source: The Textual Bible III Edition

*Jos 1:3

Source: Latin American Bible Notes

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