Definition and Morphological-Gramatical Analysis of G1139 – Strong’s Numbers – Strong’s Numbers

Strong’s number: G1139
lexeme: δαιμονίζομαι
Transliteration: daimonizomai
Grammatical category: Verb
Appearances in Critical Texts: 13 {NA27}; 13 {Byz}; 13 {SBL}; 13 {Tisch}; 13 {WH}; 13 {Treg}; 13 {N1904}; 13 {OGNT}
Appearances in the LXX: —
Essential vocabulary: 90%; 95% of the NT text

Greek Words: δαιμονίζομαι

Strong definition:


daimonizomai; middle voice of G1142; be wielded by a demon: — tormented, demon, possessed.

Louw-Nida entrance: 12.41
Goodrick-Kohlenberger No.: GK1227
Hebrew Equivalence of the LXX: N/A

Estate: G1142
G1141 (daimoniṓdēs) G1140 (daemon) G1139 (daimonizomai) G1142 (daímōn)

Derivatives: N/A
Synonyms: N/A
Antonyms: N/A

Morphological States of the Lemma Present in OGNT:
(δαιμονίζεται) daimonizetai: V-PNI-3S (1)
(δαιμονιζομένου) daimonizomenou: V-PNP-GSM (1)
(δαιμονιζομένους) daimonizomenous: V-PNP-APM (3)
(δαιμονιζομένων) daimonizomenōn: V-PNP-GPM (1)
(δαιμονιζομένῳ) daimonizomeno: V-PNP-DSM (1)
(δαιμονιζόμενοι) daimonizomenoi: V-PNP-NPM (1)
(δαιμονιζόμενον) daemonizomenon: V-PNP-ASM (two)
(δαιμονιζόμενος) daimonizomenos: V-PNP-NSM (1)
(δαιμονισθείς) daimonistheis: V-AOP-NSM (1)
(δαιμονισθεὶς) daimonistheis: V-AOP-NSM (1)

Source: Strong Plus Dictionary (Exegetical Analysis)

DIBGrie 1227 δαιμονίζομαι (daimonizomai): vb.; ≡ G1139; TDNT Vol. 2, Pg.19 — LouwNida 12.41 be possessed by the devil (Matt 4:24; Matt 8:16; Matt 12:22; Matt 15:22; Tue 1:32; Tue 5:15; Luke 8:36; Joh 10:21).

Source: Wanson’s Dictionary of Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek Biblical Languages



Thayer Definition:

1) be under the power of a demon.

In the New Testament, it deals with people, suffering from particularly serious illnesses, whether physical or mental, (such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, loss of speech, epilepsy, melancholia, madness, etc.) into whose bodies they had entered demons, according to the opinion of the Jews, and thus they took possession of them since they not only bothered them with evils, but also dethroned reason and occupied the place themselves; consequently, the possessed used to express the mind and consciousness of the demons that inhabited them; and its cure was thought to require the expulsion of the demon.

A related word by Thayer/Strong number: middle voice from G1142

Quoting in the TDNT: 2:19, 137.

Source: Brown-Driver-Briggs Aramaic/Hebrew and Thayer Greek Definitions

δαιμονίζομαι. (fut. pas. δαιμονισθήσομαι; 1 year pass δαιμονίσθην; perf. pass δεδαιμονίσμαι). to be demonized: Matt 4:24; Matt 8:16; Matt 8:28; Matt 8:33; Matt 9:32; Matt 12:22; Matt 15:22; Tue 1:32; Mar 5:15-16; Mar 5:18; Luke 8:36; Joh 10:21.

Source: Alfred E. Tuggy Greek-Spanish New Testament Lexicon

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