CONSUME – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

v. Eat, Destroy, Devour
Exo 3:2 burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed
Exo 32:10 let my anger kindle in .. and consume them
Lev 26:20 your strength will be consumed in vain
Num 16:21 withdraw from among … and I will consume them
2Sa 2:26 shall the sword consume forever?
1Ki 18:38 and consumed the burnt offering, the wood, the
Job 11:20 the eyes of the wicked will be consumed
Psa 21:9 he will destroy in his anger, and fire will consume them
Psa 50:3 will come.. fire will consume before him
Psa 69:9 because zeal for your house consumed me
Psa 78:33 consumed his days in futility, and his years
Psa 90:7 with your wrath we are consumed, and with your
Psa 104:35 sinners are consumed from the earth
Ecc 5:11 those who consume them also increase
Isa 1:20 ye shall be consumed by the sword; because the mouth
Isa 10:18 will totally consume, soul and body
Isa 29:20 the scoffer will be consumed; they will be
Jer 30:16 will be consumed .. those who consume you
Lam 3:22 we have not been consumed, because
Eze 4:17 so that they … are consumed in their wickedness
Eze 33:10 and because of them we are consumed
Amo 7:4 consumed a great deep, and c a part
Nah 1:10 they will be consumed like stubble
Zep 1:18 the earth will be consumed with the fire of
Zep 3:8 from my zeal shall all the earth be consumed
Joh 2:17 written: Zeal for your house consumes me
2Co 2:7 lest he be consumed with .. sorrow
Rev 18:17 an hour have been consumed so many
Rev 20:9 fire came down from heaven and consumed them

kalah (hl;K; , 3615), “cease, vanish, conclude, perish, complete”. This verb is found in most Semitic languages ​​and in all periods. In Hebrew it appears in the Bible (about 210 times) and in post-biblical literature. The term is not found in the Aramaic of the Bible. Basically the term means “to cease or stop doing”. Kalah can refer to the “end” of a process or action, such as the cessation of the divine creation of the universe: “On the seventh day God had finished the work that he had made” (Gen 2: 2 rva: first mention of the verb). The word can refer to the “disappearance” of something: “The water in the skin is over” (Gen 21:15 lba). Finally, kalah can mean “coming to an end” or “the process of concluding”: “The oil in the bottle will not fail” (1Ki 17:14 rva). Kalah can have the positive connotation of “successful conclusion”. First of Kings 6.38 says that the house of the Lord “was finished in all its parts and according to all his plans” (lba). In the same sense, the Word of the Lord “is fulfilled”: “In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, and so that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled by the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia. , who caused it to be proclaimed throughout his kingdom” (Ezr 1.1 rva). Kalah sometimes means “make a firm decision.” David tells Jonathan that if Saul is very angry, “you will know that evil is determined on his part” (1Sa 20:7). In a negative sense, “complete” something can mean “make it disappear” or “go away”. Kalah is used in this sense in Deu 32:23, when God says: “I will add evils to them; with my arrows I will finish them” (rva). In other words, his arrows will “disappear” from his quiver. This nuance is especially suited to clouds: “As a cloud fades and is gone” (Job 7:9). “Destroying” something or someone is another negative nuance: “Famine will consume the land” (Gen 41:30). Along the same lines is kalah in Isa 1:28 “Those who forsake the Lord shall be consumed.” In this case, the verb is synonymous with “die” or “perish”. Sight can also “fade” and one can become blind: “The eyes of the wicked will fail; and they shall have no shelter” (Job 11:20). We find a totally different emphasis when the heart “wasted away” (nbe) or “languished” (bj): “My soul yearns and still longs for the courts of the Lord” (Psa 84:2 rva); The psalmist probably meant that his desire for God’s presence was so intense that nothing else mattered to him, he was “dying” to be there. B. Name kalah (hl;K; , 3617), “consumption; total annihilation”. Kalah is found 15 times. An example is Neh 9:31 “But because of your many mercies you did not consume them, nor did you forsake them.”

Source: Vine Old Testament Dictionary

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