Commentary on Ephesians 5:22 – Exegesis and Hermeneutics of the Bible – Biblical Commentary

Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord,

5:22 – “Married women are subject to their own husbands.” see Col 3:18; Tit 2:5; 1Pe 3:1; 1Pe 3:7. Paul teaches in these texts the divine order for the home. The home that does not respect this order is out of order; in such a home there is disorder. It is important for women to learn this teaching before getting married. She should not marry some man to whom she cannot submit, because after she is married, it is too late to decide that she cannot live in subjection to her husband. It is what “befits the Lord” (Col 3:18). Married women must submit to their husbands so that they love them; and husbands must love their wives, so that they may submit to them Also, the sister in Christ must submit to the unbelieving husband (1Pe 3:1-4), provided there is no conflict between the will of the husband and the will of God (Ac 5:29 “It is necessary to obey God before men”). If the husband says that his wife cannot be baptized or that she cannot attend church meetings, he is in conflict with God, and his wife should obey God and not the husband. “And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, and he consents to live with her, let him not abandon him… But if the unbeliever separates from her, let him separate; for the brother or sister is not subject to servitude in such a case, but God has called us to peace.” The wife who is a Christian was bought by Christ (1Co 6:19-20) and belongs to Him. “You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men” (1Co 7:23). If the unbelieving husband does not consent to live with the believer and separates from her, the sister must remember that she is not subject to servitude in such a case; that is, she is a slave to the Lord Jesus, and not to her “earthly lord” (her husband), and therefore she must not abandon her faith (which includes attending meetings, etc.) by pleasing her husband so that don’t abandon her. Can such a woman marry again? No way, because marriage is never called “servitude.” The word “bind” that Paul uses with regard to marriage (1Co 7:27; 1Co 7:39; Romans 7:2-3) is not used in 1Co 7:12-15, but the common word that refers to slavery. The Christian is not a slave to her husband, whether he is a believer or an unbeliever, because she is a slave to Christ, but if he separates, her sister must remain unmarried or reconcile with her husband. Many sisters have won over their unsaved husbands by their “chaste and respectful conduct” and their “gentle and quiet spirit” (1Pe 3:1-4). But a rebellious and bitter spirit will not convert them. Bitter, resentful women cause misery for themselves and their families (see pro 19:13; pro 21:19). The “quarrelsome” woman is the one who criticizes and scolds her husband and children, and she constantly complains about the work she has to do caring for her family, and about the problems in her life. The “feminists” are enemies not only of men, but also of women. They have a spirit of rebellion against God, and they do not want to accept the role that God has given to women. But every arrangement of God is perfect, and it is for the happiness of all. The woman finds the greatest good by playing her domestic role (1Ti 2:15). Home is her palace, and although many women do not want to admit it, it is the main place of happiness for her. — “as to the Lord.” The woman must be subject because the Lord requires it. She must think about what she wants, and submit to her husband to fulfill the will of the Lord, and not just the will of her husband. She has to obey the Lord first, before her husband. What a blessing when the husband’s will coincides with the Lord’s! And how easy it is for the Christian woman to submit to such a husband!

Source: Commentary on the New Testament by Partain

married women are subject to their own husbands. Eph 5:24; Gen 3:16; Esther 1:16-18, Esther 1:20; 1Co 14:34; Col 3:18; 1Ti 2:11, 1Ti 2:12; Tit 2:5; 1Pe 3:1-6.

as to the Lord. Eph 6:5; Col 3:22, Col 3:23.

Source: The Treasury of Biblical Knowledge

Since Christ is not inferior to the Father, but the second person of the Trinity, the married they are not to their own husbands. However, in the marriage relationship the husband and wife have different roles.

as to the Lord: A woman’s voluntary submission springs from her submission to Christ.

Source: New Illustrated Caribbean Bible Commentary

MARRIED ONES ARE SUBJECT. God gives the wife the task of helping and submitting to the husband (Eph 5:22-24). Her obligation to her husband includes love (Tit 2:4), respect (Eph 5:33; 1Pe 3:1-2), aid (Gen 2:18), purity (Tit 2:5; 1Pe 3:2), submission (Eph 5:22; 1Pe 3:5), the development of a soft and gentle spirit (1Pe 3:4), and being a good mother (Tit 2:4) and housewife (1Ti 2:15; 1Ti 5:14; Tit 2:5). God views a woman’s submission to her husband as part of her obedience to Jesus Christ, “as to the Lord” (see also Gal 3:28note; 1Ti 2:13; 1Ti 2:15grades; Tit 2:4note).

Source: Full Life Study Bible

Married women are subject to their own husbands. After establishing the fundamental principle of submission (v. Eph 5:21), Paul applied it first to the wife. The command has no exceptions and applies to every Christian wife without regard to her own abilities, education, knowledge of the Scriptures, spiritual maturity, or any other quality that can be compared to her husband’s. Submission is not for the husband to demand, but for the wife to willingly and lovingly offer. “Her her own husbands” serves to limit a woman’s submission to the one man God has placed over her, and also teaches that he belongs to her as a personal and intimate possession (Sing 2:16; Song 6:3; Sing 7:10). She submits to the man she owns as her exclusive property. as to the Lord. Since the wife’s supreme spiritual submission is to the Lord in unconditional obedience, her attitude is to lovingly submit as an act of obedience to the Lord who has provided this mandate as His will for her, regardless of the personal dignity of her wife. husband or his spiritual condition. cop. the vv. Eph 5:5-9.

Source: MacArthur Study Bible

5:22 — “Wives be subject to their own husbands.” See Col 3:18; Tit 2:5; 1Pe 3:1; 1Pe 3:7. Paul teaches in these texts the divine order for the home. The home that does not respect this order is out of order; in such a home there is disorder. It is important for women to learn this teaching before getting married. She should not marry some man to whom she cannot submit, because after she is married, it is too late to decide that she cannot live in subjection to her husband.
It is what “befits the Lord” (Col 3:18). Married women must submit to their husbands so that they love them; and husbands must love their wives, so that they may submit to them
In addition, the sister in Christ must submit to the unbelieving husband (1Pe 3:1-4), as long as there is no conflict between the will of the husband and the will of God (Acts 5:29 “It is necessary to obey God rather than the men”). If the husband says that his wife cannot be baptized or that she cannot attend church meetings, he is in conflict with God, and his wife should obey God and not the husband.
“And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, and he consents to live with her, do not abandon him… But if the unbeliever separates, separate; for the brother or sister is not subject to servitude in such a case, but God has called us to peace.” The Christian wife was purchased by Christ (1Co 6:19-20) and belongs to Him. “You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men” (1Co 7:23). If the unbelieving husband does not consent to live with the believer and separates from her, her sister should remember that she is not subject to servitude in such a case; that is, she is a slave to the Lord Jesus, and not to her “earthly lord” (her husband), and therefore she must not abandon her faith (which includes attending meetings, etc.) by pleasing her husband so that don’t abandon her.
Can such a woman marry again? No way, because marriage is never called “servitude.” The word “bind” that Paul uses with regard to marriage (1Co 7:27; 1Co 7:39; Rom 7:2-3) is not used in 1Co 7:12-15, but the common word referring to marriage. slavery. The Christian woman is not a slave to her husband, whether he is a believer or an unbeliever, because she is a slave to Christ, but if he separates from her, her sister must remain unmarried or reconcile with her husband.
Many sisters have won over their unsaved husbands by their “chaste and respectful conduct” and their “gentle and quiet spirit” (1Pe 3:1-4). But a rebellious and bitter spirit will not convert them. Bitter, resentful women cause misery for themselves and their families (see Pro 19:13; Pro 21:19). The “quarrelsome” woman is the one who criticizes and scolds her husband and children, and she constantly complains about the work she has to do caring for her family, and about the problems in her life.
The “feminists” are enemies not only of men, but also of women. They have a spirit of rebellion against God, and they do not want to accept the role that God has given to women. But every arrangement of God is perfect, and it is for the happiness of all. The woman finds her greatest good by playing her domestic role (1Ti 2:15). Home is her palace, and although many women do not want to admit it, it is the main place of happiness for her.
— “as to the Lord.” The woman must be subject because the Lord requires it. She must think about what He wants, and submit to her husband to fulfill the will of the Lord, and not only the will of her husband. She has to obey the Lord first, before her husband. What a blessing when the husband’s will coincides with the Lord’s! And how easy it is for the Christian woman to submit to such a husband!

Source: Reeves-Partain Notes


Ephesians 5:22-33

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord; because the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the Head of the Church, although there is this great difference: that Christ is the Savior of the whole Body.
But, even granting this difference, as the Church is under the authority of Christ, so the wives must be under the authority of their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her, that He might purify and consecrate her by the washing of water as she confessed her faith, so that the Church may be in His presence in all his glory, without
no stain that disfigures or any wrinkle that disfigures or none other imperfecttion, but so that it may be consecrated and impeccable.

This is how husbands should love their wives: love them as they love their own bodies. He who loves his wife really is as if he loved himself. Because no one ever hates his own flesh; rather he feeds her and cares for her. This is how Christ loves the Church, because we are part of his Body. For this reason he leaves a man his father and his mother, and unites with his wife, and the two become one flesh.
This is a symbol that is extremely large – I mean, when you see it…

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