Athaliah Biblical Meaning | Biblical dictionary

Athaliah is a Hebrew name used to refer to a woman. Etymologically, the name is composed of two Hebrew words: ‘ata which means ‘father’ and ‘lia which means ‘of God’. The literal meaning of the name is ‘Father of God’. The origin of the name is biblical and is found in the Old Testament.

Athaliah was a biblical queen who ruled for about eight years in the Kingdom of Judah. Her reign began when her brother, King Ahaziah, died in an accident. As the line of succession was unclear, Athaliah usurped the throne for herself. This caused great controversy among the Jews, since she was a pagan and had embraced idol worship.

During his reign, Athaliah destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and persecuted the followers of Yahweh. She also killed all the members of the royal family, except for one, Ahaziah’s son, who survived and was hidden by loyal followers. Finally, the young man was restored to the throne by the prophet Elijah and Athaliah was executed.

Today, the name Athaliah is used as a common name for girls, especially among Jews. The name is a reminder of the importance of faith in God, since Queen Athaliah was overthrown for her resistance to the worship of Yahweh. The name is also associated with devotion to God, as it literally means ‘Father of God’.

The name Athalía is also associated with strength and courage. Despite being a woman at a time when women were considered inferior, she Athaliah had the courage to usurp the throne and rule. She also displayed great courage in resisting the worship of God, despite the consequences of it. This inspires those who bear her name to be strong and courageous in life.

In conclusion, the name Athaliah is a Hebrew name used to refer to a woman. The name is derived from two Hebrew words that literally mean ‘Father of God’. The origin of the name is biblical and is related to Queen Athaliah, a biblical queen who ruled for about eight years in the Kingdom of Judah. Today, the name is used as a common name for girls and is associated with devotion to God and courage.

Last updated: March 15, 2023

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