All This I Will Give You: 3 Ways To Miss God’s Purpose For Your Life

All this I will give you, were the words of Satan to Jesus, after showing him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory… It is difficult to imagine the panorama that was before Jesus’ eyes in these circumstances, for the third time he was tempted, with what in reality should have belonged to him forever as a son of God.

However, the condition demanded by Satan for Jesus to claim the kingdoms of the earth was the most abominable sin, idolatry towards his person, worshiping someone other than the true God.

Although in reality history has shown that many have given up their principles to achieve fame and power, it is truly gratifying to know that Jesus was not that case.

Today we can experience many circumstances in which we are tempted to renounce our values ​​and principles in exchange for a sinful offer accompanied by the phrase: I will give you all this. Therefore, it is good to analyze what Jesus was facing at that time? to be able to face our own temptations in life.

The perfect moment

Often we tend to think that the tests come upon us at a bad time, and sometimes it seems that everything was orchestrated so that we could not face the events that arise, however, in light of the sacred scriptures this statement does not have so much weight

The Bible says: No temptation has come upon you that is not human; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can resist, but he will also provide the way out together with the temptation, so that you can endure. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

This passage confirms the fact that every moment we live is the right moment, and the trials, difficulties, and temptations we face are also precisely what God wants us to face at that particular moment.

God does not create evil or do evil, but He certainly allows it with a purpose in mind, and on this occasion, in the temptation of Jesus, Satan had to be defeated in his intentions.

Matthew chapter 4 verse 1 says that after Jesus was baptized by John and anointed by the Holy Spirit, he was led precisely by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil… it was not something that happened by chance, it was a process directed by God .

So, if you’re in an embarrassing situation, maybe you’re right where God wants you to be and then he takes you to a higher level, just as Jesus did when he started his ministry.

First: give in to hunger

The first temptation that Jesus experienced in the desert had to do essentially with his basic food needs. Jesus went into the desert and there he was diligent in preparing himself, for what he had to face, he was fasting for forty days and forty nights when the tempter came.

The Bible relates that Satan demands proof from Jesus that he is the Son of God, and thus begins his attack on the integrity of Jesus by saying:

“If you are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread.” (Matthew 4:3)

Satan is questioning the identity of Jesus, and at the same time presenting him with the opportunity to demonstrate his power in favor of himself, there is no doubt that with forty days without eating this was a quite reasonable offer, but nevertheless there was a detail…

Jesus was not in the desert to prove to him something that Satan already knew, but rather to not give in to his claims the way Adam and Eve did. In Genesis 3: 6 he says that when Eve saw the forbidden fruit she noticed that it was “good to eat” and they did eat it.

Satan was using the same old way of seducing, appealing to the natural needs of his body to induce disobedience, however Jesus knew how to see a little further and put his desires in order, his response was totally attached to the sacred scriptures when He says:

“It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)”

With this response, he quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 and emphasized that his obedience was primarily to God and his word, before and above his own basic needs to which he would not give in if it meant disobeying God, a God who was sure she took care of him the right way.

Giving in to the hunger of the moment and making use of its power to feed itself represented the first way to get completely out of God’s purpose.

Second: tempt God

If in the first temptation Satan appealed to the most primitive survival instincts of Jesus to make him fall, in the second temptation Satan appeals to a Machiavellian use of the word of God (which was the way in which Jesus answered his proposal) so that unnecessarily claim the protection of angels in your favor.

Ingeniously Satan takes him to the Holy City (Jerusalem) and places him on the pinnacle of the temple and then quotes psalm 91 verses from 11 to 12 saying:

If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written: His angels will command over you, and, In his hands they will hold you, So that you do not stumble with your foot on stone.

Here the challenge to overcome was the pride of life, Jesus had no need to throw himself from the pinnacle of the temple, however, Satan demands the action, so that Jesus would thus demonstrate his confidence that what is written would be fulfilled, and this way challenges you using the holy scriptures.

However, Jesus avoids falling into their game, citing the express prohibition found in Deuteronomy 6:16 “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” Jesus with these words reminds us that we do not have the power to test God, that is, to tempt him, he simply has nothing to prove us, and neither does temptation come from Him, nor is He tempted by anyone (James 1:13). .

Trying to forcefully prove his identity, causing an unnecessary rescue by the angels was a surefire way out of God’s purpose.

Third: All this I will give you…

Satan, having already failed twice, appeals to something that Jesus must have wanted to possess as king, because for that he was born (John 18:37). The Bible says in Luke chapter 4 verses 5 to 6 that at the moment of showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth and their glory made the following statement.

To you I will give all this power, and their glory; because it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whoever I want.

And he was certainly partly right, because that was really the easy way out, that was how Adam lost his privileged place along with the stewardship of the whole earth, turning it over to Satan the moment he disobeyed, giving up his will to do what the evil he said and eating the forbidden fruit.

Now Jesus is the one who contemplates all the kingdoms of the earth, accompanying the captivating phrase I will give you all this (Matthew 4), giving in to the offers of glory and power represented the third way of radically moving away from the will of God.

What do you really want?

And here is the important point of our reflection, how many times has the opportunity to obtain something of benefit presented itself, something that we want, something that should be ours, but what is required of us in exchange… totally violates our principles? The decision we make at that precise moment is decisive.

Knowing what we really want is something of life or death, Satan always has many things to offer, he knows precisely what we want and long for, and he will use those desires against us whenever he can to keep us from obeying God. God.

The question is will you bow down and bow down to their claims?

Jesus did not, his response as recorded in verse 10 of chapter 4 of Matthew was without hesitation:

“Go away, Satan, for it is written: The Lord your God you will worship, and him only you will serve.”

Jesus was totally clear what he had come for; and that God’s will for him in no way included disobeying him. It is this determination that we must imitate in the face of the temptations that come our way, knowing that God is a rewarder of those who seek him. And there is nothing better than to serve and adore him exclusively.

If God has drawn a path for you, there will always be offers that want to separate you from it. It is then when we must listen carefully, and remember what is written, knowing that we owe ourselves first to God, is the only thing that will keep us on the right path when the most captivating offers of instant and illicit success arrive without warning.

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