ACSA – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology

Josh 15:16; Jdg 1:12.

Acsa (Heb. Aksâh, “anklet”). She is Caleb’s daughter given in marriage to Othniel – Caleb’s younger brother (or nephew) – as a reward for capturing Kiriath-sefer (Jos 15: 16-19; Jdg 1: 12-15; 1Ch 2:49).

Source: Evangelical Bible Dictionary

Caleb’s daughter, she was given in marriage to Othniel, son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother, to fulfill a promise Caleb had made to give his daughter to whoever captured Kiriath-shefer (Jos 15:16). She got Othniel to ask Caleb for a field; after receiving it, she herself, mounted on a donkey, asked Caleb and received from him fountains of water to irrigate the field (Jdg 1:12-15).

Source: Hispanic World Bible Dictionary

(ankle adornment). She was the daughter of † ¢ Caleb, who had promised that he would give her as his wife † œwhoever attacked Kiriath-shefer and took her †, which † ¢ Othniel carried out. he made A. ask for an increase in the dowry granted by Caleb, which consisted of lands from the †¢Negev, which was granted to her by giving her †œthe sources above and those below† (Jos 15:13-19).

Source: Christian Bible Dictionary

tip, BIOG MUJE MUAT MSHA (in the old Valera version, “Axá”). She daughter of Caleb, she granted as a wife to Othniel, because he conquered Kiriath-séfer (Debir) (Jos. 15: 16-19; Jud. 1: 12-15; 1 Chr. 2:49).

Source: New Illustrated Bible Dictionary

(Ajorca; Bracelet).
Daughter of the Judahite spy Caleb who was offered in marriage as a prize to the one who conquered the fortress of Debir, located in the territory that Judah had just acquired. She was conquered by Caleb’s nephew, Othniel, who must have been the first judge after Joshua (Judges 3: 9, 10), and as a reward she married his cousin Achsah. (See OTNIEL.)
When Acsa left for his new home, he asked his father to give him, in addition to what he had received, the field where Upper Gulot and Lower Gulot were located, a request that he granted. (Jos 15:15-19; Jg 1:12-15) It is possible that Acsa was the mother of Hatath. (1Ch 4:13.)

Source: Dictionary of the Bible

(heb. ˓aḵsâ, ‘anklet’). Caleb’s daughter who was given as wife to Othniel, Caleb’s nephew, as a reward for the capture of Kiriath-sefer. Othniel urged her to ask Caleb for a field, and she herself asked him for sources of water (Jos. 15.16–17; Jud. 1.12; 1 Chr. 2.49).


Douglas, J. (2000). New Biblical Dictionary: First Edition. Miami: United Bible Societies.

Source: New Bible Dictionary

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