100 biblical questions about the Gospels |

How much do you know about the Bible? We present the series: “”. In this series, each article contains 100 Bible questions on the following categories: , , , Gospels, and .

In this installment, we present you 100 Bible knowledge questions about the Gospels which are classified into three categories: people and places, events, and instruction.

people and places

1) Multiple Choice: Who said: “And she will give birth to a son, and you will call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins”? (to David; (b) Joseph; or (c) an angel of the Lord.

2) Multiple Choice: Which Old Testament prophet prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin? (a) Isaiah; (b) Jeremiah; or (c) Ezekiel.

3) Multiple Choice: Which Old Testament prophet prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem? (a) Amos; (b) Hosea; or (c) Micah.

4) Multiple Choice: Where did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to escape Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus? (a) Nazareth; (b) Egypt; or (c) Bethlehem.

5) True or false? When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Pilate was the king of Judea.

6) Multiple Choice: Of which of the patriarchs did John the Baptist say that God would raise children from stones? (a) Noah; (b) Avraham; or (c) Moses.

7) Multiple choice: The first disciples that Jesus called were a pair of brothers. Who were they? (a) James and John; (b) Peter and Simon; or (c) Simon and Andrew.

8) Question: Which of the disciples was a tax collector before Jesus called him?

9) Multiple Choice: Jesus said that it would be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for a certain place. What place? (a) Jerusalem; (b) a city that would not receive his disciples; or (c) Nineveh.

10) Multiple Choice: Some of the disciples were known by more than one name. What two other names was Tadeo known by? (a) Simon and Peter; (b) Matthew and Levi; or (c) Lebeo and Simon.

11) Question: Which of Jesus’ disciples was identified as “the one who also betrayed him”?

12) Fill in the blanks: Speaking of John the Baptist, Jesus said: “And if you want to receive him, he is the _______ who was to come.”

13) Multiple choice: Who were Santiago, José, Simón and Judas? (a) disciples of Jesus; (b) lepers that Jesus healed; or (c) brothers of Jesus.

14) Multiple Choice: What do Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Maria have in common? (a) They were Jewish; (b) they were at the foot of the cross when Jesus died; or (c) they were of the genealogy of Jesus.

15) Multiple choice: Jesus said that it would be more tolerable on the day of judgment for Tire and Sidon than for two cities where he had worked great miracles. Name the cities. (a) Chorazin and Bethsaida; (b) Capernaum and Jerusalem; or (c) Bethany and Nain.

16) Multiple choice: Which city fulfills this prophecy of Jesus: “And you, _______, who are lifted up to heaven, will be brought down to Hades”? (a) Nineveh; (b) Babylon; or (c) Capernaum.

17) Multiple selection: Who sowed tares among the wheat in the kingdom of heaven? (a) An enemy; (b) false teachers; or (c) the birds of the sky.

18) Question: Where is there a dishonorable prophet?

19) Multiple Choice: What did Peter ask Jesus to do to prove that it was He who walked on the water and not a ghost? (a) that he commanded that he also walk on the water; (b) to eat a grilled fish; or (c) that he turned water into wine.

20) True or false? The woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit is identified as a Canaanite, a Greek, and a Syrophoenician.

21) Multiple Choice: Who did Jesus say he would give the keys to the kingdom of heaven to? (a) Philip; (b) John; or (c) Peter.

22) Multiple selection: About whom did Jesus say: “You are a stumbling block, because you do not set your sights on the things of God”? (To Pedro; (b) Judas; or (c) John the Baptist.

23) Multiple selection: When Herod the Tetrarch was on his birthday, he gave a gift to his wife’s daughter. What was the gift? (a) The head of John the Baptist; (b) half of his kingdom; or (c) the city of Tiberias.

24) Multiple Choice: Who first identified Jesus in this way: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”? (a) Thomas; (b) Mary Magdalene; or (c) Peter.

25) Question: Two characters from the Old Testament appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration to talk with Jesus. Who were they?

26) Question: How many disciples accompanied Jesus to the mount of transfiguration?

27) True or false? Jesus told his disciples three times that he would go to Jerusalem and that there he would die and rise again.

28) Multiple Choice: Who did Jesus say would sit on his right hand and on his left in his kingdom? (a) James and John; (b) his mother and his brothers; or (c) those for whom he is prepared by my Father.

29) Multiple choice: Who were the sons of Zebedee? (a) Simon and Andrew; (b) James and John; or (c) Lucas and Theophilus.

30) Multiple Choice: Which Jewish sect did not believe in the resurrection of the dead? (a) The Herodians; (b) the Pharisees; or (c) the Sadducees.

31) Multiple choice: What did a woman do to Jesus in the house of Simon the leper in Bethany? she (a) she anointed him with a perfume of great price; (b) she touched the hem of her cloak; or (c) she asked to eat of the crumbs from the table.

32) True or false? Judas Iscariot asked the chief priests how much they would give him for handing Jesus over to him.

33) Question: Who did Jesus say would deny him three times?

34) Multiple Choice: Who was the high priest when Jesus was tried and sentenced to death? (a) Annas; (b) Pilate; or (c) Caiaphas.

35) Question: What sign did Judas use to identify Jesus when they went to arrest him?

36) Multiple Choice: To whom did Jesus say: “From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven”? (a) Nicodemus; (b) the high priest; or (c) to the repentant thief.

37) Multiple Choice: Which Judean governor judged Jesus? (a) Herod; (b) Agrippa; or (c) Pilate.

38) Question: How many criminals were crucified with Jesus?

39) Question: Who went to Pilate to ask for the body of Jesus after his death on the cross?

40) True or false? Herod the Tetrarch sent guards to guard the tomb of Jesus. Fake.

41) Multiple Choice: Who rolled away the stone from the entrance of Jesus’ tomb? (a) Several women; (b) an angel; or (c) Jesus.

42) Question: Where did Jesus want to meet his disciples after his resurrection?

43) True or false? When the eleven disciples saw Jesus in Galilee after his resurrection, some worshiped him but some doubted.

44) Question: Of whom was it prophesied in the Old Testament: “Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you”?

45) True or false? Jesus went from Nazareth to the Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist.

46) Multiple Choice: Who took Jesus into the desert to be tempted? (a) the devil; (b) the Holy Spirit; or (c) the scribes and Pharisees.

47) Multiple selection: Who said: “What do you have with us, Jesus of Nazareth? I know who you are, the Holy One of God”? (a) the thieves on the cross; (b) Simon Peter; or (c) an unclean spirit.

48) Question: What is the best-known name of the tax collector Levi, the son of Alphaeus?

49) Multiple Choice: Two of the disciples were from Bethsaida but had a house in Capernaum. Who were these? (a) James and John; (b) Thaddeus and Bartholomew; or (c) Simon and Andrew.

50) Question: How many friends lowered the paralytic through the hole in the roof for Jesus to heal him?


51) Fill in the blanks: “While Mary her mother was betrothed to Joseph, before they got together, it was found that there was _______ of _______ _______”.

52) Fill in the blanks: “Behold, a _______ shall conceive and bear a _______, and you shall call his name _______.”

53) True or false? The magi saw the star on at least two occasions: once in the east to guide their journey, and then to guide them from Jerusalem to Bethlehem.

54) Fill in the blanks: The wise men said to Herod: “Where is the _______ of the _______, who has been born? For we have seen his _______ in the east, and we have come to worship him.”

55) Multiple Choice: How did Joseph know that God did not want him to take baby Jesus back to Judea when the family returned from Egypt? (a) An angel put a barrier on the road to Jerusalem; (b) was warned in a dream; or (c) a finger wrote on the wall.

56) Multiple Choice: Who do the Gospels say saw the Holy Spirit descend on Jesus like a dove? (a) Jesus; (b) Jesus and John the Baptist; or (c) all who have eyes to see.

57) Multiple Choice: Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and challenged him to prove himself the Son of God. What sign did Satan ask for? (a) That he would rebuild the temple in three days; (b) destroy the temple; or (c) that the pinnacle of the temple be pulled as the angels would support it.

58) Multiple Choice: After healing him, Jesus said to a man: “Go, show yourself to the priest, present the offering that Moses ordered.” What disease did the man suffer from? (a) demonic possession; (b) leprosy; or (c) paralysis.

59) Multiple Choice: Who said to Jesus: “Just say the word, and my servant will be healed”? (a) A centurion; (b) Jairus; or (c) a Canaanite woman.

60) Multiple Choice: Herod ordered the slaughter of the children in Bethlehem in his effort to destroy Jesus. Mateo compared this to a mother who had lost her child. Who was she? (a) Rachel; (b) Agar; or (c) Naomi.

61) Multiple Choice: What name is needed to complete this quote from Hosea in Matthew: “From _______ I called my Son”? (a) Maria; (b) Bethlehem; or (c) Egypt.

62) Multiple Choice: John the Baptist prophesied that Jesus would judge sinners. What two symbols of punishment did John use? (a) an ax and winnowing fan; (b) a balance and a hammer; or (c) a judge and a king.

63) Question: Jesus and the disciples were in a boat when a great storm arose and the waves beat against it. What was Jesus doing?

64) Multiple Choice: In the miracle of the demons being cast out and sent into a herd of pigs, the writer of which gospel tells that there were two demoniacs among the tombs? (a) Matthew; (b) Framework; or (c) Luke.

65) True or false? Matthew says that Jairus’s daughter was already dead when Jairus met Jesus, while Mark and Luke record that the news of her death reached Jesus as he was on his way to Jairus’s house.

66) Multiple Choice: What interrupted Jesus on his way to heal Jairus’ daughter? (a) a funeral procession; (b) a woman with an issue of blood; or (c) a demon possessed man.

67) Multiple choice: How long had the woman had the issue of blood when she touched the hem of Jesus’ cloak? (a) Three years; (b) twelve years; or (c) twenty years.

68) Fill in the blanks: The woman with the…

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