100 Bible questions on Bible prophecy

How much do you know about the Bible? We present the series: “”. In this series, each article contains 100 Bible questions on the following categories: , , prophecy, , and .

In this installment, we present you 100 Bible knowledge questions about the prophetic books, classified into three categories: prediction, history and well-known phrases.


1) True or false? When the Lord commissioned Isaiah as a prophet, he told him to expect the people of Israel to understand and obey the word of the Lord.

2) Multiple Choice: When God commissioned Isaiah to prophesy, the Lord told him that the land would be desolate. What portion of the town would remain? (a) one third; (b) a room; or (c) one tenth.

3) Multiple selection: What would be the diet of the son of the virgin that Isaiah prophesied as a sign to King Ahaz? (a) butter and honey; (b) locusts and honey; or (c) vegetables and water.

4) Multiple Choice: King Ahaz feared Syria and Ephraim, but Isaiah told him that the real enemy would be: (a) Egypt; (b) Assyria; or (c) Persian.

5) Multiple Choice: Who had a son whose childhood set the time for the Assyrian defeat of Samaria? (a) King Uzziah; (b) Hosea; or (c) Isaiah. (c) Isaiah.

6) Multiple Choice: Which two northern tribes of Israel did Isaiah prophesy would see great light when the Messiah came? (a) Dan and Asher; (b) Zebulun and Naphtali; or (c) Issachar and Manasseh.

7) Multiple Choice: Where did Isaiah predict that the boy named “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” would rule? (a) In Heaven; (b) on the mercy seat; or (c) on the throne of David.

8) Question: What did Isaiah prophesy would be on the shoulders of the “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace”?

9) True or false? Isaiah predicted that Assyria would do to Jerusalem all that she did to punish Samaria.

10) Fill in the blanks: In Romans, Paul quoted this prophecy from Isaiah about the restoration of Israel. “For if your people, O Israel, be like the _______ of the _______, their _______ will return; the agreed destruction will overflow with justice.”

11) Multiple Choice: From what “trunk” did Isaiah prophesy that the offspring (Messiah) would come out? (a) from Jesse; (b) from Judah; or (c) Abraham.

12) Multiple choice: According to Isaiah, when the Messiah establishes his peace, what animal will dwell with the lamb? (a) The lion; (b) the fox; or (c) the wolf.

13) Multiple choice: According to Isaiah, when the Messiah established his peace, what would he play on the cave of the asp without suffering harm? (a) the lamb; (b) the viper; or (c) the infant.

14) Multiple Choice: What did Isaiah say would fill the earth “as the waters cover the sea” when Messiah reigns? (a) The knowledge of Jehovah; (b) joy and praise to Jehovah; or (c) the body of God’s enemies.

15) Multiple Choice: Who did Isaiah prophesy would be God’s instrument to punish Babylon? (a) The Assyrians; (b) the Greeks; or (c) the Medes.

16) Multiple choice: When Isaiah prophesied the fall of Babylon, in his poetry he saw in the impiety of Babylon a person that the prophet calls “son of the morning”. Who is it about? (a) Nebuchadnezzar; (b) Cyrus; or (c) Lucifer.

17) Multiple Choice: Who did Isaiah quote who said: “I will ascend to heaven, next to the stars of God, I will lift up my throne”? (a) Lucifer; (b) the offspring of Jesse; or (c) the king of Assyria.

18) Multiple Choice: Of which nation did Isaiah say that their idols would tremble and their sorcerers and fortune tellers would vanish? (a) Moab; (b) Philistine; or (c) Egypt.

19) Multiple choice: Isaiah prophesied that two enemies would join Israel in serving Jehovah of hosts, who were they? (a) Moab and Ammon; (b) Ishmael and Edom; or (c) Egypt and Assyria.

20) Multiple choice: Which prophet walked naked and barefoot for three years as a sign against Egypt and Ethiopia? (a) Isaiah; (b) Jeremiah; or (c) Ezekiel.

21) Multiple Choice: Which of the major prophets spent much of his ministry encouraging the kings of Judah that the Assyrians would not capture Jerusalem? (a) Isaiah; (b) Jeremiah; or (c) Ezekiel.

22) Multiple selection: What news did Isaiah foresee in a vision in which men mounted on donkeys and camels arrived at a sentinel? (a) The birth of the Messiah; (b) the fall of Babylon; or (c) the restoration of Jerusalem.

23) Multiple choice: The tree in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which represents him, was cut down. What was the meaning of the trunk and roots remaining? (a) his kingdom would be restored; (b) they were to serve as a reminder of his fall; or (c) they were to represent his grave.

24) True or false? When Nebuchadnezzar returned to his normal state of mind, he refused to acknowledge the power and greatness of God.

25) Multiple choice: Which of the following was not one of the meanings of the inscription that Belshazzar saw on the wall? (a) his kingdom was numbered and is finished; (b) weighed in the balance, and found wanting; or (c) he would be delivered from the destruction of Babylon.


26) Multiple Choice: Isaiah was commissioned to bring Jehovah’s message to Judah at the end of a king’s reign. Who was that king? (a) Ahaz; (b) Uzziah; or (c) Hezekiah.

27) Question: Where did the Lord appear to Isaiah and ask him: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

28) Multiple Choice: Who took a live coal from the altar in the temple to wipe Isaiah’s lips? (a) A seraph; (b) the high priest; or (c) King Uzziah.

29) Multiple Choice: During the reign of King Ahaz, Judah was in trouble because of Israel’s alliance with another nation. What was the nation whose downfall Isaiah prophesied would coincide with a special birth? (a) Philistine; (b) Edom; or (c) Syria.

30) Multiple choice: Which prophet named his did Maher-salal-hasbaz? (a) Hosea; (b) Isaiah; or (c) Joel.

31) Multiple Choice: Which empire took over Damascus and Samaria before Isaiah’s son was old enough to speak? (a) Assyria; (b) Babylon; or (c) Greece.

32) True or false? In Galilee of the Gentiles, Isaiah said that the Israelites would walk in darkness.

33) Multiple selection: In Isaiah. What nation did God call “the rod and staff of my wrath, into his hand have I put my wrath”? (a) Babylon; (b) Assyria; or (c) Egypt.

34) Multiple Choice: What nation did Isaiah prophesy against in the year King Ahaz died? (a) Babylon; (b) Persian; or (c) Philistine.

35) Multiple Choice: Which nation did Isaiah prophesy would receive punishment in three years? (a) Moab; (b) Philistine; or (c) Syria.

36) True or false? Isaiah used the name Zoan as a synonym for Egypt.

37) Multiple Choice: When the Assyrians captured a certain city, the Lord commanded Isaiah to go naked and barefoot throughout Judah as a sign that Egypt would be led into captivity naked. What was the nearest city? (a) Samaria; (b) Ashdod; or (c) Petra.

38) Multiple choice: For whom did Isaiah ask Tarshish, Cyprus, Sidon, and Egypt to weep? (a) Samaria; (b) Shooting; or (c) Damascus.

39) Multiple Choice: Which world power did Isaiah warn Judah not to ally with? (a) Babylon; (b) Egypt; or (c) Persian.

40) Multiple selection: Outside of Jerusalem, in the Valley of Hinnom, there was a place where human sacrifices were practiced. What did Isaiah and Jeremiah call that place? (a) Gehenna; (b) Tophet; or (c) Sheol.

41) Multiple Choice: Sennacherib of Assyria took all the cities of Judah except Jerusalem. What fortified city in Judah was the base of his attack on Jerusalem? (a) Hebron; (b) Lachish; or (c) Flattery.

42) True or false? Rabshakeh delivered Sennacherib the terms for Jerusalem’s surrender to Hezekiah in a high-level secret meeting attended by Isaiah.

43) Multiple Choice: Which nation is described as a brittle reed, which will pierce your hand if you lean on it? (a) Israel; (b) Assyria; or (c) Egypt.

44) Multiple Choice: When King Hezekiah was told that the Assyrians were demanding surrender, where did Hezekiah go? (a) Massada; (b) to Isaiah’s house; or (c) to the temple.

45) True or false? Isaiah points out that when the Assyrian army was called to stop invading Jerusalem, the commander sent a message acknowledging Jehovah’s power over all nations.

46) Multiple Choice: What did King Hezekiah do with the Assyrian forces threat card? (a) he stretched it out before Jehovah; (b) he burned it before God in the temple; or (c) he sent her to Egypt with a plea for help.

47) Multiple Choice: What did Isaiah write that happened in the Assyrian camp that came to attack Jerusalem? (a) that he drowned in the Red Sea; (b) the angel of Jehovah killed them at night; or (c) fire fell from heaven.

48) Multiple Choice: What happened to the Assyrian king whose army the Lord destroyed when he tried to invade Jerusalem? (a) his sons killed him; (b) he died a poor old man; or (c) he believed in the Lord and died in peace.

49) Multiple Choice: How many years did Jehovah add to King Hezekiah in answer to his prayer? (To five; (b) fifteen; or (c) twenty.

50) True or false? Jehovah added fifteen years to the life of faithful King Hezekiah, and they were the best years of his reign.

51) Multiple Choice: Which nation sent letters and presents when King Hezekiah was restored to health? (a) Babylon; (b) Egypt; or (c) Lebanon.

52) Multiple Choice: Who was the king of Babylon who congratulated Hezekiah on his recovery from a serious illness? (a) Nebuchadnezzar; (b) Merodacbaladan; or (c) Belshazzar.

53) Multiple Choice: In Isaiah 44, who is called Jehovah’s shepherd? (a) The Messiah; (b) Cyrus; or (c) Gabriel.

54) Multiple Choice: Which Babylonian gods did Isaiah show prostrating themselves before Jehovah? (a) Marduk and Tammuz; (b) Bel and Nebo; or (c) Bel and the Dragon.

55) Multiple Choice: Which nation did Isaiah say called itself “mistress of kingdoms”? (a) Assyria; (b) Babylon; or (c) Persian.

56) True or false? Isaiah was the prophet of inner spirituality; and he cared little to observe the Sabbath.

57) Fill in the blanks: Jeremiah prophesied from the thirteenth year of the reign of King _______ to the end of the eleventh year of King _______.

58) Multiple Choice: Jeremiah observed that the prophets of Judah prophesied falsehoods and that their priests ruled by their own power. How did the people feel about this condition? (a) They liked it; (b) they hated it; or (c) they feared for their lives.

59) True or false? According to Jeremiah, the nations around Judah were more loyal to their false gods than Judah was to their true God.

60) Multiple Choice: In his first sermon regarding Judah’s willful sin, Jeremiah told them that they had many gods as they had: (a) rivers; (b) cities; or (c) tribes.

61) Fill in the blank. According to Jeremiah’s second sermon to Judah, they should have turned to Jehovah, because of the unfaithful example of the northern kingdom…

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