ᐅ Why did Jesus speak in parables? ✔️ Study Matthew 13:34

Chapter 13 of Matthew has been the object of study on our blog because several parables are recorded, among which we have written the parable of the sowerof yeastof the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price to name a few.Advertisement

In this same chapter 13, the apostles They asked the Lord why he was speaking to the crowds in parablesbecause Jesus used images that his listeners understood to explain something, such as food, marriage, etc.

The Lord Jesus said that he spoke in parables so that seeing would not see and hearing would not hear those who had thickened their hearts, but that he revealed all things to his own; In addition, these parables made reference to the mysteries of the kingdom of God.Advertisement

Matthew 13:34 Explanation

Jesus spoke in parables to announce the Kingdom of God or also called the kingdom of heaven to the multitudes. Through the parables, the Lord called people to repentance and faith.

By speaking in parables, Jesus taught the mysteries of the Kingdom in a language well known at the time. In the parables of the kingdom, Jesus used examples of the daily life of his time, he spoke of kings, servants, rich, poor, religious, life in the countryside, fishing, etc.

So that each of the parables shows an aspect of the kingdom of heaven, thus, although they are different parables, it is the same kingdom of heaven, therefore, they are all complementary to each other, sometimes they are similar, but they have their little difference in what has to do with the complement and all make up the revelation of the kingdom of God.

Jesus explains to his disciples why he spoke in parables

The Lord Jesus explained to his disciples in Matthew 13:11 one of the reasons why he spoke in parables, he said: “It has been given to you to know”; that is, to the disciples; that you are the children of God, the believers; to them it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but for those outside, for them it is not, because of what they are the parables (Matthew 13:11-13).

Then the Lord said things in parables so that only those who should have understood them, that is, his children, and so that the others, that is, those who did not want to repent even hearing it, would not understand it, even seeing it, would grasp the things. they did not perceive it.

Jesus spoke in parables to reveal the mysteries of the kingdom of God

Observing that the Lord only spoke in parables, the disciples asked him why he did so, he answered by saying that he spoke in parables to make known to them the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 13:10; Mark 4:11).

The incarnation of the Son of God brought with it the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth. It was the fulfillment of the Scriptures and the revelation of a glorious future for those redeemed by the redemptive work of Christ.

Therefore, those mysteries about the kingdom of God that the parables speak of can be understood as the revelation of the kingdom of the Father and the Son. That is to say, in that revelation of the mysteries we can know the present character of the kingdom of God and the future kingdom in the Millenium and the new earth and new heavens.

Jesus spoke in parables to fulfill the Scriptures

All scripture is inspired by GodTherefore, we can observe that throughout the scriptures it is mentioned that although the parables serve to enlighten some, they also serve to deepen the ignorance of others and also to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament.

While the children of God understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God through parables, unbelievers sink deeper and deeper into their misunderstanding.

To those who refuse to see and hear the things of God, hardening themselves, God himself ends up hardening them even more. That is, by their arrogant behavior and hardened hearts, these people attract God’s judgment on themselves.

Therefore, Jesus spoke in parables to fulfill the Scriptures (Psalm 78:2), just as Isaiah prophesied saying that although many would hear him, many would not understand, because their hearts were insensitive. (Isaiah 6:9).

Final reflection on Matthew 13:34

We can finally conclude that those who hear and understand the parables of the Lord Jesus receive a great blessing (Matthew 13:16).

Those who receive the words of the Lord Jesus understand that the parables are much more than simple stories or comparisons. Instead, they understand that they are teachings that show the depths of the kingdom of God and a precious revelation of the eternal plan.

On the other hand, for those who are hardened in their hearts to the words of Christ, the parables end up being their confusion and their own judgment. For this reason, some scholars speak of parables as doors that open for some and close for others.

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