ᐅ Who was Joel? ✔️ The story of Joel in the Bible

Joel is one of God’s prophets considered by Bible scholars to be a minor prophet. Not in the lesser sense, but in the sense of his book, which bears his name and is one of the shortest in the Old Testament, for which he is called a minor prophet.Advertisement

In this article we want to study who the prophet Joel was, what were the characteristics of his life and what topic the book that bears his name deals with. So we want you to continue reading so that you can learn about the history of this prophet and also that other characters were also called that way.

Joel was an Old Testament prophet, who was also mentioned in the New Testament by the Apostle Peter. Joel warned the people of Israel that they needed to repent and turn to God so they would not receive any more terrible judgments. Advertisement

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What does the name Joel mean in the Bible?

To know who Joel was in the Bible, it must be taken into account that, although the prophet Joel is the best-known character bearing this name, other men with the name Joel are also mentioned.

Joel, in fact, was a very popular name among the Hebrews, which is why there are many biblical characters who had this name.

The name Joel means “Jehovah is God.” Therefore, before we analyze the professor Joel, we will take a look at all the characters in the Bible with the name Joel.

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How many Joel are in the Bible?

The Bible presents a significant number of characters with the name Joel. At least thirteen men are called by this name in the Holy Scriptures. Several of them are mentioned very briefly, but it is enough for their names to go on record.

Next, who were these men.

1. Joel, eldest son of Samuel (1 Samuel 8:2) and father of Heman, the singer described in 1 Chronicles (1 Chronicles 6:33; 15:17). In some versions his name may appear as “Vasni”. Joel and his younger brother Abijah were appointed by Samuel to be judges in Beersheba. However, his failure on paper contributed to the elders demanding a king for Israel.

2. An ancestor of Samuel quoted in the same chapter 6 of the book of 1 Chronicles (1 Chronicles 6:36). He was the son of Azarias and the father of Elcana.

3. Joel, prince of the Simeonites quoted in 1 Chronicles 4:35 and who lived about 715 BC

4. A member of Reuben’s tribe mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:4-8.

5. A principal of Bashan mentioned in 1 Chronicles 5:12. Some scholars consider this character to be the same as Joel cited above.

6. Joel, son of Izrahiah and chief in Issachar in the time of David (1 Chronicles 7:3).

7. Joel, brother of Nathanone of David’s mighty men (1 Chronicles 11:38).

8. A Gershonite son of Ladan and chief of the Levites (1 Chronicles 23:8). He was appointed guard of the treasury of the Temple (1 Chronicles 26:22). Some interpreters consider that it is about two different men, although with the same name.

9. A man appointed by David as chief chief to rule the half tribe of Manasseh (1 Chronicles 27:20). He was the son of Pedaiah.

10. A Levite who helped Hezekiah to restore the services of the Temple (2 Chronicles 29:12).

eleven. Joel the son of Nebo who was among the men who promised to drive out the pagan wives (Ezra 10:43).

12. Joel, Overseer of the Benjamites in the post-exilic period in Jerusalem (Nehemiah 11:9).

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What was the mission of the prophet Joel?

Now that we’ve met all the characters in the Bible who had the name “Joel,” we’re left with the prophet Joel. In reality, little is known about him, since no reference to him is made in other books of the Old Testament, except in the book that bears his name.

What little we know of the biography of the prophet Joel is indicated exclusively by his writings. Based on them, we know that the prophet Joel was the son of Petuel and lived in Judah, most likely in Jerusalem.

The exact time in which the prophet Joel lived is not known, simply because the date of his book also remains uncertain. Some scholars suggest something around 830 BC

It is also true that some interpreters do not consider him a historical person, that is, according to them, Joel’s name is not a real person and only indicates the subject of the prophecy of the book especially highlighted in Joel 2:26-27.

Obviously, this position does not make sense, since Joel’s book makes clear the historical profile of the character, citing the name of his father and giving clues about the region to which he belonged.

In addition, in the New Testament the apostle Peter makes a reference to Joel’s prophecy, clearly placing the prophet Joel as a historical figure (Acts 2:16-17).

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What is the book of the prophet Joel about?

The main theme of the book of the Prophet Joel is “The day of the Lord”this theme appears everywhere in Joel’s message, making it the most concentrated treatise on one theme in all of the Old Testament.

The prophet mentions the day of the Lord 5 times in the 3 chapters of his book (Joel 1:15;2:1;2:11;2:31;3:14).

The main theme and the phrase of the prophet Joel “The day of the Lord” does not refer to a chronological period of time, but to a general period of wrath and judgment that belongs uniquely to the Lord over the children of disobedience.

The day of the Lord is frequently associated by the prophet with seismic disturbances (Joel 2:1-11;2:31;3:16).; weather problems (Ezekiel 13:5 onwards), clouds with darkness and darkness (Joel 2:2; Zephaniah 1:7 onwards), cosmic turbulence (Joel 2:3;30), and as a great and very terrible day (Joel 2:11).

The day of the Lord narrated by the prophet Joel, is a day in which judgment is poured out on sinners who abandoned the redemptive option of the Lord Jesus Christ and decided to contend against the creator.

After the day of the Lord there will be blessings, fruitful times and prosperity for all those who waited for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you want to reflect on the great day of the Lord, we recommend the following video.

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