ᐅ✔️ Psalm 34:7 The Angel of the Lord Camps Around Explained

One of the most important Kings of Israel was David, which was characterized by write several psalms among them Psalm 34, which he wrote in the context of a possible complication before the Philistine king in Gath before fleeing to the cave of Adulán (1 Samuel 21:10;22:1).Advertisement

Something that God continually wants to teach his people is that He is our protector and that was precisely something that David was clear about. However, the Lord is not around the wicked, but only with those who love him and follow his ways, therefore, in this article we will study clearly and simply what it means that the angel of the Lord camps with those who fear him. .

Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
And he defends them”, is a clear expression that the Lord protects his people. God takes care of his own, saves and frees those who fear him.Advertisement

Related: What is an Angel according to the Bible?

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him

As we can see, David is talking about the Lord’s deliverance in a dangerous episode of his life. Scholars suggest that when David wrote these words, he may have had in mind the occasion when Jacob beheld the angels of the Lord meeting him at Mahanaim, where he declared, “This is God’s camp” (Genesis 32).

Commentators continue to debate whether in this statement David is referring specifically to the Angel of the Lord or to angels of the Lord in general, although he speaks of an angel, singular.

In several Old Testament passages the designation “Angel of the Lord” refers to special manifestations of God Himself on extraordinary occasions throughout Israel’s history (Genesis 16:17; 18-19; 31:11; Judges 6:13 ; etc.).

In addition, the appearance of the Angel of the Lord to Joshua as “Prince of the army of the Lord” (Joshua 5:13-15) is significant. Scholars identify these manifestations of the Angel of the Lord as apparitions of the preincarnate Christ.

See also: What is an Archangel in the Bible?

The manifestations of the Angel of the Lord represented Christ

If the psalmist had in mind the angels of the Lord who are at the service of the children of God, then the truth that he expresses applies to all angels. In any case, both principles are taught in the Scriptures.

The manifestations of the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament pointed to the final manifestation of God in the person of Christ.; He is the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15).

The Lord Jesus Christ is the same Emmanuel, that is, “God with us”, who accompanies believers every day until the end of time, therefore, David’s expression reflects that God is always around his children (Matthew 28 :twenty).

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Christ is the guardian of those who fear him

In Christ, through the Holy Spirit, God dwells with his people, protecting, liberating, and strengthening them in every situation (Philippians 4:13). God is the faithful guardian of those who fear him (Psalms 91; 121).

As for angels, we know very clearly that angels are “ministering spirits, sent to minister to those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14).

The Bible promises that God will command his angels in connection with the faithful to guard them in all their ways (Psalm 91:11,12).

See here: What is a Seraph?

The angels of the Lord protect the believers

God cares and protects his servants, and often manifests this care and protection through the ministry of angels. In this sense, the angels of the Lord encamp around those who fear him to protect and defend them.

A classic example of how the angels of the Lord encamp around the servants of God can be seen in the episode in which the king of Syria sent his army to besiege the prophet Elisha in Dothan.

On that occasion the servant of the prophet of God was frightened. But when his eyes were opened and he could see the army of the Lord surrounding Elisha, he understood that God is more powerful than any enemy (2 Kings 6:17).

But the fact that we know that the angels of the Lord watch over the servants of God should not lead us to think that believers possess immunity to the troubles and sufferings of this life.

Rather, knowing that the angels of the Lord are encamped around us means that, Whatever happens, God watches over us.; and often this occurs through their accompanying angels.

If you want to delve deeper into the Angel of the Lord, we recommend the following video.

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