The Yoruba religion is an African religion that is widespread in Latin America. Shango is one of the most popular and revered orishas in this religion. Shango is considered the god of thunder and fire, and is known for his wisdom and justice. In this article, we will talk about some Shango phrases that can be useful to instill values in our children.
“He who does not know what he is looking for will not understand what he finds”
This phrase from Shango teaches us the importance of having clear goals in life. If our children know what they want, they will be more prepared to find it when the opportunity presents itself.
In addition, this phrase also reminds us of the importance of education and constant training. If our children want to achieve their goals, they must always be learning and improving.
“Respect is the basis of coexistence”
This phrase from Shango teaches us the importance of respect for others. If our children learn to respect other people, they will be able to build healthy and lasting relationships.
Furthermore, respect also means accepting the differences between people. If our children learn to accept and respect cultural, religious and gender differences, they will be better prepared to be global citizens.
“Justice is the most necessary virtue at all times”
This phrase from Shango reminds us of the importance of justice in our society. If our children learn to be fair, they will be more prepared to defend their rights and the rights of others.
Furthermore, justice also implies equality. If our children learn to value equal opportunities for all, they will be better prepared to fight discrimination and social exclusion.
“Nothing ventured nothing gained”
This quote from Shango teaches us the importance of taking risks in life. If our children learn to be brave and make difficult decisions, they will be better prepared to face life’s challenges.
Furthermore, this phrase also reminds us that success does not come without effort. If our children want to achieve their goals, they must be willing to work hard and fight for what they want.
“Patience is the mother of science”
This quote from Shango teaches us the importance of patience in life. If our children learn to be patient, they will be more prepared to face difficulties and obstacles.
Furthermore, patience also implies perseverance. If our children learn to persevere in their goals, they will be more prepared to overcome adversity and achieve success.
“He who is right does not need to shout”
This phrase from Shango teaches us the importance of communication in our relationships. If our children learn to communicate effectively and listen to others, they will be able to build healthier, longer-lasting relationships.
In addition, communication also implies respect for others. If our children learn to express their ideas clearly and respectfully, they will be better prepared to resolve conflicts peacefully.
“Humility is the mother of all virtues”
This phrase from Shango teaches us the importance of humility in our relationships. If our children learn to be humble, they will be more prepared to learn from others and be respectful towards them.
Furthermore, humility also implies gratitude. If our children learn to be grateful and value what they have, they will be more prepared to be happy and satisfied in life.
Shango’s phrases can be a source of inspiration and wisdom for our children. If we teach them these values from an early age, they will be more prepared to face life’s challenges and to be responsible and respectful citizens.
Frequent questions
1. What is the Yoruba religion?
The Yoruba religion is an African religion that is widespread in Latin America. The orishas are the deities venerated in this religion.
2. Who is Shango?
Shango is one of the most popular and revered orishas in the Yoruba religion. He is considered the god of thunder and fire, and is known for his wisdom and justice.
3. Why is it important to teach values to our children?
Teaching values to our children is important because it helps them develop a solid personality and become responsible and respectful citizens.
4. How can we teach values to our children?
We can teach values to our children through the phrases and teachings of historical and religious figures, like Shango. We can also teach values through example and effective communication.
5. Why is effective communication important in our relationships?
Effective communication is important in our relationships because it helps us build healthy, long-lasting relationships. It allows us to express our ideas clearly and respectfully, and to listen to and understand the ideas of others.